The most and least stressful jobs in 2018

Jobs portal CareerCast has published its ranking of the most and least stressful jobs in 2018.

The careers that top the list for 2018 are those that commonly face risk of death or injury, physical demands, and other hazards every single day, CareerCast said.

To rank the most and least stressful careers from the 200 professions on the Jobs Rated report, CareerCast evaluated 11 stress factors: travel required; growth potential; deadlines; working in the public eye; competition in the field; physical demands; environmental conditions; hazards encountered on a regular basis; own life at risk; life of others at risk; and meeting or interacting with the public at large.

These are the 10 most stressful jobs in 2018

# Job Stress Factor
 1  Enlisted military personnel  72.47
2  Firefighter  72.43
3  Airline pilot  61.07
4  Police officer  51.97
5  Event coordinator  51.15
6  Reporter  49.90
7  Broadcaster  49.83
8  Public relations executive  49.44
9  Surgical Technologist  48.71
10  Taxi driver  48.11

These are the 10 least stressful jobs in 2018

# Job Stress Factor
 1  Diagnostic medical sonographer  5.11
2  Hair stylist  6.61
3  Audiologist  7.22
4  University professor  8.16
5  Medical records technician  8.54
6  Compliance officer  8.78
7  Jeweler  9.05
8  Pharmacy technician  9.14
9  Operations research analyst  9.17
10 Medical laboratory technician 10.00

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