What's the best April Fools' Day joke you've ever played?

What’s the best April Fools’ Day joke you’ve ever played?

We asked our Facebook fans for the best April Fools’ Day joke you’ve ever played?; check out some of their responses below…and sound off with your own in the comments!

I heated up a snickers bar and put it in a specimen cup and ate it out of specimen cup at the nursing station and drank apple juice out of an urinal… The rest of nurses there were pretty grossed out!!!! – Scotty Wade

I called the labor room and asked them if they had any Fallopian tubes. The nurse said “wait let me go check”. Then she came back on line and was laughing! April Fools!! – Patti Pyott Griswold

We use a whiteboard in our observation unit to keep track of our bed roster (pt name, dx, room#, etc). I work night shift. We update the board each morning for day shift. Last year we filled it with mock patients and diagnoses. As the dayshift crew arrived, they were initially overwhelmed by the entire unit being “full.” Then they caught on as they started to notice patient names/diagnoses like … Poke/multiple stab wounds, Wesson/gsw, Coldman/DOA, Butts/anal abcess, ..on and on. It was hilarious!! – Amie Page

Let my brother borrow my truck to go to the grocery store, so while he and his wife were inside the store, my husband and I drove there In my other truck and moved the truck he was driving on the other side of parking lot (I had a spare key). Let’s just say when they came.out of the grocery store they were flipping out because they thought the truck was stolen…. Rotflmbo,, I was laughing so hard, but he wasn’t when he found out, lol.. – Rebecca Rose

We put a foley bag filled with water and a couple goldfish and hung it from a pt’s bed. Everyone too k a double take and the patient really enjoyed everyone’s response 🙂 – Lisa D Baddeley Durnbaugh

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